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Nadia Odlum 

Nadia Odlum is an emerging artist and researcher from Sydney, Australia. Her work explores the perceptual experience of navigation within urban and architectural environments. In particular, she is interested in the connections between vision and movement in perception, and the way the various sensorimotor capacities of the body impact on our understanding of and feelings within physical space. Her practice spans drawing, painting, sculpture, and installation.


Nadia completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) at the National Art School in 2012, graduating with First Class Honours and the Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement. In 2016 she completed a Master of Fine Arts by research at UNSW Art & Design, for which she was a recipient of the Australian Postgraduate Award. She has presented work at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, the New York Transit Museum, The Murray Art Museum in Albury, Artspace, Firstdraft and Penrith Regional Gallery. 

Odlum_trajectories (yours and mine)1_vin
Odlum_trajectories (yours and mine)2_vin
Odlum_trajectories (yours and mine)3_vin
Odlum_this way (this way) that way_mixed
Odlum_drawn through space_mixed media in
Odlum_engagement sequence (yours and min
Odlum_Engagement sequence_pencil on pape
Odlum_Our Separate Ways_adhesive vinyl i
Odlum_Our separate ways_gouache on paper
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